''(text-colour:black)+(bg:#a6bc8f)[Welcome to Timeless. ]''
(text-colour:black)[An exploratory game that resolves around time and its stronghold on humanity. Discover the secrets beyond this stronghold by pressing:
(text-colour:White)+(bg:#a6bc8f)[[Play Now]](enchant:?page,(bg:#a6bc8f))(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:#a6bc8f))Hello.
You are on a walk in your quiet neighborhood. Theres no sound beyond the faint breeze in the air.
You come across a rubix cube, sitting in the middle of the road. Out of curiosity, you aproach it. The rubix cube is unsolved, what do you do?
[[Pick it up]]
[[Ignore it]] There is nothing odd about the rubix cube. All six sides are unsolved, besides one. The white side of the rubix cube is the only one left that is fully completed.
You decide to attempt to solve it, and bring it home with you.
Which side do you try first?(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:#fbfbe4))
(text-colour:red) [[RED]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:#a6bc8f))You are on another walk the next day. There is a no sound besides a faint breeze in the air. There are no people out, and no cars. Everything is quiet and tranquil.
You stumble across the same rubix cube in the middle of the road. What do you do?
[[Pick it up]]
[[Ignore it]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:orange)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You finish the orange side of the cube, and look around. You seem to be at some kind of festival. People are walking around, with very casual clothing, with a lot of color.
You look around and hear a faint sound in the distance, and a bunch of people laughing.
What do you do?
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]]
[[Investigate noise]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#a0a00e)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You finish the yellow side of the rubix cube, and walk around. You are in a kitchen. The smell of bread fills the air, and you realize it is baking in the oven. The radio is playing a faint noise, and the tv is on.
What do you do?
[[Look around Kitchen]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#055705)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You finish the green side, and look around. You are at a park. People are skating around, and theres a boombox playing music. Some people are eating food, others are playing frizbee.
What do you do?
[[Look Around]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]] (enchant:?page,(text-colour:#0f0f95)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You finish the blue side, and take in your surroundings. You are at a rollerskating rink. People are roller skating, and there is a disco ball in the middle of the rink. They are playing Wham! over the music.
What do you do?
[[Keep Looking]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]] (enchant:?page,(bg:#fbfbe4))(enchant:?page,(text-colour:red)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You finish the red side, and when you look up your surroundings change. You are standing on a green hill, with a bright blue sky above you, and white clouds. Everything almost seems pixelated.
You look around more, and see and old television playing cartoons, some you recognize. What do you do?
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]]
[[Keep Looking Around]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You decide to continue. What side do you choose to work on?
(text-colour:red) [[RED]]
[[ Click if you've done all sides]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#fbfbe4))Y(enchant:?page,(text-colour:red)+(bg:#fbfbe4))ou decide to watch the television more.
As you watch, you recognize old tv shows, and the commercials are outdated.
You realize you are somewhere in the Year 2000. The rubix Cube sits in your hand heavy.
How do you procede?
[[Stay Here]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You Decide to live out the rest of your life here in this time period. You discard the rubix cube, and leave your old life behind, starting a new one.
[[Start Here]] You walk around more at the festival. You come across a band singing on stage. You soon realize that the band playing is the band Queen.
You realize you are in the 70's. What do you do?
[[Stay Here]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:orange)+(bg:#fbfbe4))(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#a0a00e)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You look around the kitchen more, and see the interior is filled with really bright colored appliances and decor. You soon realized the television is also in black and white. The radio is playing "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys.
You are in the 60's.
What do you do?
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]]
[[Stay Here]] (enchant:?page,(text-colour:#055705)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You walk towards the boom box, but you cant seem to recognize the sound. You mess with the channel a little bit, and find a speaker talking.
The radio speaker then says the date is September 3rd, 1991.
What do you do?
[[Stay Here]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]] (enchant:?page,(text-colour:#0f0f95)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You look around, and everyone is wearing spandex and neon colors. People have their heair really wild, and the music changes, and the DJ announces the 'new hit song "Come On Eileen" by Dexys Midnight Runners.
You realize you are in the 80's
What do you do?
[[Stay Here]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:#fbfbe4))You look at your rubix cube, and realize you've finished all sides but one. The white side of the sube is unfinished. What do you do?
[[Finish White Side]]
[[Continue Playing with Rubix Cube]] You are plunged throw a whirlpool. Time and energy and space all stretch out, and you are falling in a black hole. You see your life flash through your eyes, everything planned out. All the alternate oaths you couldve gone down if you chose differently. You're looking at your life through a microscope, and everything is spinning right in front of you. you try to reach out towards your life thats sitting right in front of you, but you cant.
Time has no meaning here.
Your body stretches thin as speghetti, as you are seeing stars and galaxies and entire universes in multitude, being birthed and dying at the same time. You are small and useless. You are tiny, in this vast universe holding millions upon millions of planets and stars around you.
Your vision is clouded, and then everything goes dark.
There is nothing left of you except tiny particles of matter, floating in the abyss of a black hole.
You merely do not exist anymore,
or maybe, you never did in the first place.
(text-colour:red)[GAME OVER]
[[Start Here]]